Miallo Japanese Bombing Site | Visit Port Douglas Daintree

Miallo Japanese Bombing Site

Miallo Stephen Langman

Just north of Mossman is the lush farming and agricultural bowl of Miallo, an Indigenous name that means 'wild country'. It is also the site of historic significance in Australia during World War II, as it marks the location of the only civilian casualty inflicted by the enemy on the Eastern Australian mainland. On 31 July, 1942 a Japanese air raid dropped 8 bombs in the Douglas Shire over Mossman, one that exploded a field and damaging a nearby house, injuring its smallest resident, 2 1/2-year-old Carmel Zullo. Fifty years the site was recognised with a plaque and unveiled by Carmel herself, who sustained leg injuries that night.

To access the site, turn onto Miallo-Bamboo Creek Road from the Captain Cook Highway (you can enter either north or south of Mossman) where you will find the plaque and statue with an inscription of the details of the raid.

496 Miallo Bamboo Creek Rd, Bamboo QLD 4873, Australia

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